FastCorp Ice Cream Vending Machine



The FastCorp Ice Cream Machine for sale

The FastCorp Ice Cream Machine for sale is a comprehensive solution to address all inquiries related to summer. People of all ages, including both adults and children, frequently enjoy ice cream. Therefore, it is opportune to explore avenues for generating cash from this enduring fondness for this particular delicacy. The Z 400 FastCorp Ice Cream Machine offers a captivating spectacle as individuals willingly pay to observe the vacuum suction hose skillfully retrieve ice cream bars and delicately deposit them into the designated delivery bin. To ensure a substantial influx of customers outside your ice cream parlors throughout the upcoming summer season, it is imperative to get the Z 400 FastCorp Ice Cream Machine. This machine-made product is considered to be of exceptional quality. The FastCorp Ice Cream Machine is designed to be suitable for both outdoor and indoor environments. The various components remain external to the sub-zero refrigeration units. This facilitates the optimal functioning of the machine, as opposed to having motors and switches exposed to a subzero environment. Acquire the Z400, which is widely regarded as the most superior of the Fastcorp ice cream machines. The vending machine is not permitted to leave the premises until it is fully operational and exhibits a pristine appearance. Based on our extensive experience in the industry, we possess a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for ensuring the seamless operation of the machine. In addition to providing the machine for purchase, we also offer post-sale support and assistance to ensure customer satisfaction.


  • Z400 will vend ice cream 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
  • Insert money push the selection button and watch the show.
  • A full variety of premium branded ice cream and frozen desserts.
  • Can also vend frozen food.
  • Latest vending robotic technology.
  • Outdoor vending capabilities.
  • This machine Vends 12 different selections.
  • Capacity 400.
  • Unique Chest freezer design ensures the highest product integrity.
  • Comes with rebuilt MEI changer and bill validator
  • An optional New changer and bill validator with a two-year manufacturer’s warranty can be installed
  • An optional new credit card reader with a one-year  manufacturer’s warranty can be installed
  • Most energy-efficient ice cream vendor.
  • Guaranteed product delivery or your money back!
  • Dimensions (w) 36.75″ (d) 35.35″ (h) 72.0″.
  • 90 Days parts warranty.  Shipping is not included.
  • Parts are available through A&M.
  • Shipping weight: 700 lbs.
  • Electric 115V, 60Hz, 10 Amp.
  • Telephone technical support is available Monday – Friday 10 am – 4 pm EST.


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